I actually wrote this blog at the beginning of last week, before everything changed so drastically. It’s even more appropriate now that so many different entrepreneurs and self-employed folks are having to majorly adjust the way they do business to try to survive in lean times.
This week I watched as all the local yoga studios in the area began to close their doors. I talked to friends, students, and personal clients of mine who were experiencing intense anxiety to balance safety, sanity, and still keep the lights on. It is a hard choice to make because I know for myself and so many of my teacher friends, we all feel tremendous guilt letting our students down. And those of us who teach full time also have a lot of fear about how to make ends meet in the meantime.
It’s all really perfect timing because I have been working specifically on my Moon Card Tarot Embodiment workshop. Last weekend I did this workshop all about the Moon card and working with your shadow. The class was about facing the scary emotional things that we try to breeze over. It’s about the end to spiritual-bypassing and the beginning of radical honesty. It’s about learning to sit with discomfort, and make no mistake, my friend, these are VERY uncomfortable times.
The fear and anxiety are very real. This kind of disaster brings up major base level, root chakra issues of safety security, health, and financial freedom. People are feeling fear on a lot of fronts and while I planned this class back in the fall for Pisces season because the Moon Card is the tarot card for Pisces, it couldn’t have come at a better time.
I’ve been dealing with my own brand of shadow work lately. Sharing yourself in a public way, on the internet can open you up to criticism and imposter-syndrome and I’ve been dealing with a bit of both. It’s okay. I’m a tough cookie, but I did want to talk a little bit today about how to navigate working for yourself when you feel discouraged.
I’ve learned so much about the importance of community over the past few months. I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating: working for yourself full-time can be very lonely. You don’t have a tech support team, or people to brainstorm with, and you don’t have anyone patting you on the back when you do a good job.
Since I started teaching yoga I’ve had a deep appreciation of community. It helped me get on my feet when I was a new teacher and I continue to feel supported by so many of my teachers friends. I feel it especially during times like these when we are all feeling the crunch.
I’ve also seen how wonderful community has been for our yoga teacher trainees with our first teacher training this year. Our students really stepped up and supported each other in the kindest ways as they began teaching and finding their own voices. They continue to do so even after they have all graduated and are getting out on their own and it’s so amazing to watch.
In December, I participated in a virtual business planning retreat for female entrepreneurs. During the retreat I had a chance to bond with so many amazing women from so many different industries. It was a wonderful opportunity to brainstorm problems and get new ideas and support through the community. I also have a new entrepreneur buddy, Megan, who is an audiobook narrator, and who I chat with every week about how we are doing with hitting our weekly goals.
For the past month and a half I have been in an incubator program with eleven other awesome witchy, creators. The purpose of the program is to break through mental blocks and limiting beliefs, and to give us a practical pathway to follow to create our first program launch.
I have been working really hard on my first tarot course and it’s brought up a lot of imposter syndrome and internal stories. I tell myself the market is saturated. So many other programs already exists. Who am I to teach? Can I even teach something that came so naturally to me?
My coach, Sarah, and her community have allowed me to ask these questions and show up with an undefended heart for feedback and constructive criticism. The program has also allowed me to participate in others’ success and cheer on my peers while they are doing their own deeply vulnerable work. Every victory for them feels like one of my own.
So I wanted to write this today as an ode to everyone in my community and all those who have been a listening ear to me so far, all those who have reached out over the past week, and all those who will reach out in the future. I am lucky to have each and every one of you in my life.
And if you are a budding entrepreneur starting your business in the wake of a global pandemic and looking for support and community, don’t hesitate to reach out and find your own group of like-minded friends. It’s impossible to understand the value of having someone who understands your struggle, listens intently, and offers feedback until you experience it. There are tons of facebook communities, instagram friends, local community groups. Find your people and don’t be shy. You never know who will be able to help you out when you’re feeling down or who you will be able to help out.
If you are looking for ways to support me during this time, I will be offering live yoga classes online via the studios I teach at and my own instagram (@starsagespirit) and facebook. I also offer tarot readings and distance reiki via videochat and I am extending my hours to accommodate In addition, if you missed my moon card class yesterday you can send me an email and if you will provide a donation, I will send you the link to watch the replay.
I am also doing an online spring equinox workshop this weekend, Saturday, March 21 from 11am-1PM. This workshop will welcome in the new season with a half vinyasa, half restorative yoga flow, intention setting for the new season, and a healing guided meditation to provide healing and stress relief. Yoga is a wonderful way to get back in touch with your body and to help you feel more grounded and peaceful during this time of heightened stress. You can sign up here.
10% of the proceeds from both workshops will also be donated to the Aim High Studio Food Kitchen in Collegeville, PA to help them serve and nurture my local community in Montgomery County, PA in this challenging time for so many less fortunate families.
I will be updating more throughout the week so be sure to keep an eye out for more online offerings to help you from going stir crazy. Stay healthy and safe out there.
© Sheila Masterson 2020 All Rights Reserved