Last week on the blog, I talked about one of the most popular readings I do with my clients and how Decision Maker Readings help clients evaluate each option in front of them and make the best decision possible for them.
This week I wanted to talk about how I personally use tarot in my business. To an outsider this seems like a wacky idea but I’ll give you a few examples of how tarot provides me with clarity when I’m making business decisions or overwhelmed by options.
My own practice with tarot is less about future prediction than it is about getting information about current circumstances. I use it as a tool to interrupt the cycles of anxiety and overthinking that are common in my life. They always have been there, but since going into business on my own, the cycle of anxiety has become a little bit worse at times.
With the current state of the world this is no different. Tarot helps me shift my mindset and offers opportunities for me to be still and tune in to what I need most.
So how does this work? I’m going to use a few spreads over the next couple weeks to show you.
This is the real deal. It’s how I’ve made tarot my business super power.
I want to start with spreads for timing. When I notice myself procrastinating making decisions or just generally putting off work that is giving me anxiety I like to sit down with my deck and do a reading on timing.
Right now I have a new offering that I am still in the development stage for. I am extremely excited about it and because I will get super amped up and carried away this is a situation where I use my deck to come back down to earth and slow down. Here is a picture of the spread I pulled.

I started off by asking what will pursuing this idea to add to my business. The Four of Cups tells me that it will probably not be the solution to all of my problems but that it will add a different level of emotional satisfaction to my work. It will help take some of the current burden off of me that I feel on a weekly basis. (It’s hard to go too into detail here because I am keeping this idea under wraps for now).
Then, I moved on to asking about when I should focus on developing it. You’ll notice a line of cards here. I pulled one a month for the next few months. With the eight of cups showing up right away in May, I can see that if I can really feel finished with the launch of my course and like I’m getting settled into a flow with things it might be a good time to start. June shows the wheel of fortune reversed which shows me that I might have trouble getting traction towards new ideas this month and that it’s probably not the best time to start something new. Finally, in July with the eight of wands, I see where action meets opportunity. This card is all about action that is in alignment with focus, and usually quick results.
So It looks like May is an option but that I might not feel like I am really hitting my stride until July. I also note that if i don’t have time to get started in May, to give myself some space and time to rest in June and not try to force it to happen then.
Finally I asked when I should release this new project. This spread shows a very interesting spread. Where on the line below I pulled the eight of cups and the eight of wands, I now have the ten of cups and the ten of wands. I always notice progressive cards like this when they show up in a spread. It’s also interesting to see the eight of pentacles. That’s three eights in one spread!
Eight of pentacles is really about tending to the everyday background work that makes a project a success. It’s not the fun stuff, but that which is necessary to build things. So I see for one month after I start that I will be in creation mode. Figuring out technology, systems to make things work.
Then, two months after I start the project I would be in ten of cups reversed, a moment of reflection on how I can make this project more joyful and fun for me. How can I make this sustainable and supportive with all the other work I do?
Finally, the Ten of Wands tells me this will be more work than I anticipate on the front ends and that it will likely be a few months after I start developing it before it can really be out and ready to go.
All of this is information I use to make the best decisions for me. I also put it into the context of what I’m doing in real life. So I know that I am releasing my tarot course the first week of May. I wouldn’t suddenly drop what I was doing and throw my full resources into something new just because the cards suggested it. I use them to inform my timing and how I want to use my energy over the coming weeks.
Next week I will break down a spread that helps me adjust my energy and attention when I’m feeling overwhelmed by new ideas. Stayed tuned.
In the meantime, if you want to know more about using tarot in daily life, please join me for my FREE Training, Tarot for Real Life – Get your Shit Together with the Tarot. It is a FREE (YES 100% FREE) Three Part Live Training on The Top mistakes beginner tarot readers make, the neuroscience of why tarot is a great tool for interrupting the anxiety cycle, and the steps to start reading for yourself in everyday life. Part one took place on Friday 4/24, but you can watch the replay if you sign up now and you’ll catch the other parts later this week. You can sign up here.
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