Last Week I covered how I use tarot for timing in my business. Today I’m going to talk about how I use a simple three question spread to find focus when I’m feeling overstimulated or overwhelmed. These aren’t gimmicks. These are the real life spreads I use regularly.
Here is a picture of the spread:

I started by asking: Where should I direct my attention right now in my business? Eight of Coins. You might recognize this one from last week since it also came up in my last spread. I won’t get too into the weeds on explaining this because it’s higher level tarot stuff but it’s very relevant that the same card showed up in two different spreads about my business in the same day.
This card tells me that setting up sustainable systems and finding consistency in my daily work is most important right now. This is interesting since I’ve been spending a lot of time recently trying to set myself up for long term success with a heavy time and energy investment now. I’ve been working hard to break the habit of over-working and an addiction to business that I learned from sixteen years in corporate America.
My goal in leaving my corporate job was not to start my business and continue to work crazy hours and fill up any spare moment with more work. That is a habit I formed from working my full-time day job and running my business on the side while also teaching yoga.
This card is a reminder to set up a business that is individual to me and that it’s okay if it’s extra work on the front end to figure things out. That work will give me the schedule that I want long term, in order to feel stable and nourished.
Next I asked: How will this area help me grow? Ruler Of Coins (King of Coins). This card tells me that not only will it help me build longevity for my business but it was also help me develop consistent streams of income. King of Coins is about doing the work to find abundance and a sense of structure and wealth. This definition of wealth is not just about money, but also about wealth in different realms of life such as health, happiness, and relationships.
So not only will doing this work help me structurally in my business, but it will also help my attitude toward my work and help my career be supportive of me having a life outside of work as well. That’s what I need!
Finally, I asked where can I find support to move forward towards this stability: The Moon Reversed. This card is a clear sign of needing support and encouragement to face my fears. The moon is all about shadow work and walking alongside your fear, rather than letting it run your life. It gave me a good chuckle because I have been working with a group of lovely holistic entrepreneurs to help me with the launch of my first tarot course, and so much of what we do in the group is about talking through fears and breaking down limiting beliefs. It is a place I already know that I find a lot of support in navigating imposter syndrome and talking through technology problems.
I know that the relationships I’ve built with these folks over the past three months will continue as we all continue to grow our businesses going forward. I’m happy to know that this community will continue to be a reliable source of encouragement.
As you can see, this spread gives me clear direction on how to move forward, how those steps forward will help my business grow overall and where I can find support if I start to find myself derailed. The spread answers my questions and gives me an actionable path forward and ways that I can navigate challenges if they arise.
If you would like to learn to read tarot for yourself, my course, Practical Tarot for Everyday Intuitives, is a great way to get started. This is a seven week tarot course that helps you go from tarot newbie to tarot-reading wiz by using my tarot-informed decision making method to tune into intuition and move from indecisive-procrastinator to confident decision-maker. Registration is only open until May 8th at 11:59PM ET and won’t be open again until the fall. If you are being called to come home to your intuition and your own inner knowing this is a great place to start. You can sign up here.
Also, a quick reminder that virtual tarot readings, distance reiki sessions, and gift certificates make a great socially-distant Mother’s Day gift. You can purchase them by booking through my scheduling tab or you can send me an email if you want it to be a surprise.
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